Simon Morgan

Chair of Traffic Signs Panel, Institute of Highway Engineers

Simon Morgan, MA, MSc, CEng, MICE, HonFIHE, FBCS, CITP

In addition to founding and chairing Buchanan Computing, Simon assists DfT, Transport Scotland, Welsh Government, National Highways, Traffic Penalty Tribunal and others with policy issues and training, and chairs the Institute of Highway Engineers’ traffic signs panel. He also chairs the BSI committee responsible for standards for vertical signs, and is well known as an author and speaker on signing and traffic orders and their underlying legislation.

My Sessions at Traffex

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Panel: Designing and Maintaining Roads for a Safer Tomorrow

12:00 - 12:40 Maintenance
  • Discussing the science of passive safety: designing for human error and building safer roadsides.
  • How do signs and lamp columns injure people and how can we prevent it?
  • What does data tell us about where to prioritise investments in pursuing Vision Zero?

Civil Moving Traffic Enforcement: What's Involved?

12:50 - 13:05 Enforcement Traffic Management

The council perspective:

  • Reasons for considering civil MTE
  • Getting members on board
  • Selecting sites 
  • Consultation and explaining it to the public

The consultant's input:

  • Are the signs clear and legal?
  • What else could be improved to increase compliance?
  • Will the adjudicators expect advance signing?
  • How big are your boxes?
  • Can you find all your orders?