Helping you improve traffic management See what's on at Traffex 2024

Traffic Management Sessions

Sessions at Traffex

Wednesday 22 May 2024


Fully Autonomous, Vision-based Traffic Signal Control: from Simulation to Reality

11:25 - 11:45 Artificial Intelligence Traffic Management
  • Presenting an artificial intelligence system to control traffic lights in real time.
  • The system – the first of its kind – reads live camera footage and adapts the lights to compensate, keeping the traffic flowing and reducing congestion.
  • We present the findings of deploying this AI traffic control to real-world junctions, in collaboration with Coventry City Council.

Panel: Using AI to Proactively Anticipate and Manage Traffic across the Network

12:05 - 12:45 Artificial Intelligence Traffic Management
  • Achievements within the transport community to date in this area of R&D, and its benefits in defining urban transport requirements.
  • What's needed among councils, researchers and other players to enable AI to be used in a smart cities context?
  • What are the barriers to accessing data, and how do we weigh up convenience against privacy? 

Civil Moving Traffic Enforcement: What's Involved?

12:50 - 13:05 Enforcement Traffic Management

The council perspective:

  • Reasons for considering civil MTE
  • Getting members on board
  • Selecting sites 
  • Consultation and explaining it to the public

The consultant's input:

  • Are the signs clear and legal?
  • What else could be improved to increase compliance?
  • Will the adjudicators expect advance signing?
  • How big are your boxes?
  • Can you find all your orders?

Thursday 23 May 2024


Civil Moving Traffic Enforcement: What's Involved?

12:40 - 13:00

The council perspective

  • Reasons for considering civil MTE
  • Getting members on board
  • Selecting sites 
  • Consultation and explaining it to the public

The consultant's input

  • Are the signs clear and legal?
  • What else could be improved to increase compliance?
  • Will the adjudicators expect advance signing?
  • How big are your boxes?
  • Can you find all your orders?

Increasing Road Safety through Effective Traffic Control Design

12:45 - 13:05 Artificial Intelligence Traffic Management
  • Effective problem identification using AI technology supported by robust collision and casualty analysis.
  • Confident design through simulation, visualisation, and traffic control software.
  • Proactive assessment using immediate and long-term solutions.