Stand D020
- Classification Equipment
- Communication Systems, Video Control, Help Points
- Digital Mapping
- Highway Infrastructure
- Loops / Sensors / Detection
- Networking / Communications Systems
- Slot Cutting
- Software
- Speed Measuring
- Traffic Control & Monitoring
- Traffic Detectors
- Traffic Radar, ITS Radar, Radar Detection
- Traveller Information Systems
- Vehicle Classification
- Weigh-in-Motion Systems
- Wireless Data Communication
C2-CloudC2-CLOUD – AN INDUSTRY-LEADING SOLUTION Drakewell’s C2-Cloud is fast becoming the industry’s ‘go-to’ software solution, delivering fast and accurate traffi c data that is easily shareable via a web browser. Users are no longer tied to manufacturer-specifi c software and only need C2-Cloud and a browser to access their data which is securely stored, backed up and held on Drakewell cloud based servers available 24/7
C2-Cloud InstationC2-CLOUD INSTATION – A LOAD OFF YOUR MIND C2-Cloud provides an advanced data processing and checking facility allowing users to confi gure exactly how they want the data processed and verifi ed. The Drakewell Instation processes data directly from 3G/4G/IP enabled recorders to the C2-Cloud database in real-time or at intervals defi ned by the user. The health of recorders can be continuously monitored and checked via any modern browser and also the Site Status App
C2-Cloud Journey TimeJOURNEY TIME C2-Cloud Journey Time off ers users a powerful set of tools for analysing and reporting on many different types of journey data. Real-time data is received via 3G/4G/Ethernet through the Drakewell Instation with support for ANPR (ALPR), Bluetooth and Wi-Fi along with the ability to store images from roadside cameras. Raw data or pre-matched data can also be uploaded via ftp direct to the C2-Cloud servers for processing
C2-Cloud Survey AM-CloudWith AM-Cloud users can create and track individual or multiple surveys in a busy data collection programme. AM-Cloud users can upload batches of counts, assign to Field Technicians and progress track individual or multiple counts and projects from start to fi nish. Every aspect of each count is recorded and auditable. This innovative module includes annotated maps for the creation of quick and accurate site plans. AM-Cloud can also be populated with legacy data and act as a single tool for locating prior surveys in addition to managing future data collection activity
C2-Cloud Asset ManagementASSET & FAULT MANAGEMENT Drakewell’s AM-Cloud module assists with recording, importing and managing location and attributes of all assets ‘on the fly’. A database of assets can be generated rapidly and uploaded in the field or on return to an office. Assets can vary from a SIM card, ITS equipment, roadside cabinet or street sign and many more – the database is highly flexible. Our Asset Management module can also be used to monitor the movement of multiple assets, log faults and report on fault resolution and plan/record routine and ad-hoc maintenance/repair activity
C2-Cloud Survey / Personnel ManagerSURVEY MANAGER With Survey Manager users can create and track individual or multiple surveys in a busy data collection programme. This innovative module includes annotated maps with automatically updated Ordnance Survey layers and the National Street Gazetteer for the creation of quick and accurate site plans. Survey Manager can also be populated with legacy data and act as a single tool for locating prior surveys in addition to managing future data collection activity. PERSONNEL MANAGER The ideal extension to Survey Manager. This user-friendly module permits efficient management of survey staff and other resources associated with temporary traffic surveys. Record and update staff availability, pay rates for hours/ miles, monitor resources such as vehicles and training, create briefi ngs, generate/track/process payment claims